Leading up to the conclusion of the Research phase, the Healthy Families East Cape team hosted several meetings with the Te Mahinga Kai o Tairāwhiti Collective Steering Group at the Healthy Families East Cape office in Gisborne. Together, we looked at the overarching themes that emerged from the diverse collection of feedback received through interviews with Te Tairāwhiti people representative of the food processing, health, agriculture, primary industries and NGO sectors.
The meetings with the Collective were a valuable time for us to learn from our partners and an opportunity to define the discovery questions in mapping the local kai system. After a process of engagement and collaboration, including bi-weekly hui with the Collective, the Healthy Families East Cape team proposed a co-design process for Kitchen Table Talks – a consultation process across Tairāwhiti to discuss and document challenges and solutions for our food and health with local residents, whānau, community groups, schools and businesses. |
Kitchen Table Talks in TairāwhitiFrom March to September 2021, our Healthy Families East Cape team undertook a fun and dynamic consultation process called Kitchen Table Talks to discuss and document Tairāwhiti resident’s experiences and perceptions of the region’s local kai system, and capture their ideas for solutions to the challenges the region faces for its food future.
We held Kitchen Tables Talks at: